Let us be part of your time for celebrating new life and becoming part of the universal church. 


Baptism is a symbolic action that signifies the new life God gives us as we join the church community. Baptism uses water as a symbolic cleansing that signifies the acceptance of new life within the church family. The sacrament of baptism is the single rite of initiation into the Christian community, the church.

The United Church offers baptism to all ages. We believe the gift of God's love doesn't depend on our ability to understand it, so we baptize people as infants right up through adulthood. With children, instruction is given to parents or sponsors to equip them for the child's Christian nurture. During the ceremony, which usually takes place as part of a regular worship service, everyone in the congregation pledges support for the child and their parents.

Baptism is not a requirement for God's love. We believe people who die without baptism are in no way condemned, lost, or damned.

Baptism in the United Church is recognized by all denominations of the Christian church that practise infant baptism. Similarly, if someone has already been baptized in another church at any age, the United Church recognizes their baptism and welcomes them as Christians.

Baptism by water in the name of the Holy Trinity

is the means by which we are received, at any age

,into the covenanted community of the church
.It is the ritual that signifies our rebirth in fait
hand cleansing by the power of God
.Baptism signifies the nurturing, sustaining
,and transforming power of God’s lov
eand our grateful response to that grace. A Song of Faith

How do I arrange a baptism?
The first step is to contact our office and then meet with one of our ministers. They will review the significance of baptism for you or your child. Through baptism, a person is welcomed into the Christian faith and develops a relationship with a faith community.

Is there a charge for the baptismal ceremony?
No, the baptismal ceremony is free of charge.

What should I expect during the baptism ceremony?
Baptisms normally take place during our regular Sunday 10:00 a.m. service, witnessed by our full congregation. This is important, because during the ceremony, the congregation makes a promise to the person being baptized to support that person in his or her spiritual growth. The ceremony takes a little more than five minutes, and includes:

  • Welcoming to the front of the church during service
  • Pouring and blessing of the water
  • Asking  call and response questions about your faith and promises
  • Anointing person with water
  • Praying for the newly baptized
  • Presenting the newly baptized to the Congregation with candle and certificate
  • Fellowship, celebration or luncheon together

My partner and I are a same-sex couple. Will you baptize our child? Yes, Caledon East United seeks to be affirming and we welcome all people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural, economic, and social background.

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